The intestine is defined as eubiotic when it is healthy and there is harmony between the intestinal bacterial flora and the organism.
Dysbiosis is an alteration between the intestinal bacterial flora and the organism.
To promote intestinal eubiosis, you can take probiotics (literally "in favor of life"), microorganisms that help maintain the balance of the human microbiota.
The microbiota is the set of microorganisms residing in a given environment.
The intestinal microbiota is the best known, but there are also gastric, mouth, throat , genital, skin and pulmonary microbiota, so it is more correct to speak of human microbiota. Only the brain and the circulatory system seem to lack them.
The development of the intestinal bacterial microflora of each individual strictly depends on the number and type of microorganisms with which the individual interacts from the early stages of growth and on its genetic heritage. The intrinsic characteristics of the intestinal microenvironment such as: temperature, oxygen tension, pH and peristaltic movements significantly condition the elective tropism of each bacterial species.
The Setti Method through the use of probiotics, natural prebiotics can intervene in the functional alterations of the Microbiota.
The Setti Way Lifestyle helps to:
gallstones, celiac disease, traveler's diarrhea, viral diarrhea, intestinal dysbiosis, vegan intestinal dysbiosis, colon deverticulosis, haemorrhoids, gastritis, gluten sensitivity, bloating, IBD, IBS, GERD(gastro-oesophageal reflux disease), alcoholic fatty liver disease , constipation, vaginal candidiasis, cystitis and bacterial vaginosis, vaginal dryness, cystitis and urethritis, prostatitis, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, metabolic syndrome, overweight and obesity, seasonal allergies, non-seasonal allergies, atopic dermatitis, acne, canker sores, mood, menopausal syndrome….